Page Title Alignment Not Working Using Flet in Python? Let’s Fix It!
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Page Title Alignment Not Working Using Flet in Python? Let’s Fix It!

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Are you stuck with Flet in Python, trying to get that darn page title aligned properly? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Flet and Python to help you troubleshoot and fix that pesky page title alignment issue.

What is Flet, Anyway?

Flet is a Python library that allows you to create web-based GUI applications with ease. It’s a great tool for building interactive dashboards, data visualization tools, and more. With Flet, you can create responsive, mobile-friendly UI components using Python code.

But, Why Won’t My Page Title Align?

So, you’ve created your Flet app, added some cool widgets, and now you want to customize the page title. You’ve tried setting the `title` property, but it just won’t budge. You’ve checked the docs, scoured the internet, and even asked your coding buddies, but nothing seems to work.

Don’t worry, friend! We’re about to embark on a journey to diagnose and fix that pesky alignment issue.

Troubleshooting 101: Checking the Basics

Before we dive into the juicy stuff, let’s cover the basics. Double-check that you’ve:

  • Installed Flet using `pip install flet`
  • Imported Flet correctly in your Python script
  • Created a Flet app instance using `app = flet.App()`
  • Set the `title` property using ` = “My App Title”`

If you’ve checked all these boxes, it’s time to get a bit more advanced.

Understanding Flet’s Layout System

Flet uses a layout system to arrange UI components on the page. Think of it like a puzzle, where each component has its own piece that needs to fit snugly with the others. When it comes to page title alignment, we need to understand how Flet’s layout system affects our title.

Row and Column Layouts

Flet provides two primary layout options: `Row` and `Column`. These layouts determine how components are arranged horizontally or vertically. When you set the `title` property, Flet automatically wraps it in a `Text` component, which is then added to a `Row` layout by default.

import flet as ft

app = ft.App() = "My App Title"

# Behind the scenes, Flet creates a Row layout with a Text component[ft.Text("My App Title")]))

This means that our title is now part of a `Row` layout, which can affect its alignment.

Fixing the Alignment Issue

Now that we understand Flet’s layout system, let’s try fixing the alignment issue. We’ll explore three approaches to get your page title aligned properly:

Approach 1: Using the `align` Property

Flet provides an `align` property for UI components, which determines their horizontal alignment within a layout. We can set the `align` property to `ft.CrossAxisAlignment.CENTER` to center our title.

import flet as ft

app = ft.App() = ft.Text("My App Title", align=ft.CrossAxisAlignment.CENTER)

This should center your title horizontally. If you want to align it to the left or right, simply use `ft.CrossAxisAlignment.START` or `ft.CrossAxisAlignment.END`, respectively.

Approach 2: Using a Custom Layout

Sometimes, you might need more control over the layout. That’s where custom layouts come in. We can create a `Column` layout and add our title to it, along with some padding to center it vertically.

import flet as ft

app = ft.App()
title = ft.Text("My App Title")

# Create a Column layout with padding
column = ft.Column([title], horizontal_alignment=ft.CrossAxisAlignment.CENTER, padding=ft.padding.all(20))

This approach gives you more flexibility in terms of layout customization.

Approach 3: Using CSS

Flet allows you to use CSS to style your UI components. We can add a CSS class to our title and define the alignment using CSS rules.

import flet as ft

app = ft.App()
title = ft.Text("My App Title", class_='title-align-center')

# Define the CSS class
        .title-align-center {
            text-align: center;

This approach is useful when you need more advanced styling options.

Bonus Tip: Responsive Design

Want to make your app look amazing on mobile devices? Flet provides built-in support for responsive design. We can use media queries to adjust our title’s alignment based on screen size.

import flet as ft

app = ft.App()
title = ft.Text("My App Title", class_='title-align-center')

# Define the CSS class with media queries
        /* Default alignment */
        .title-align-center {
            text-align: center;
        /* Alignment for small screens */
        @media (max-width: 600px) {
            .title-align-center {
                text-align: left;

This way, your title will be centered on large screens and aligned to the left on small screens.


There you have it! Three approaches to fix the page title alignment issue in Flet using Python. Remember to check the basics, understand Flet’s layout system, and experiment with different approaches to find the one that works best for your app.

If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to ask the Flet community or seek help from online resources.

Happy coding, and may your page titles be forever aligned!

Flet Version Python Version
Flet 0.4.1 Python 3.9.5

This article was written using Flet 0.4.1 and Python 3.9.5. Please ensure you’re using compatible versions for the best results.

Have any questions or need further assistance? Feel free to ask in the comments section below!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with aligning your page title using Flet in Python? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why is my page title not aligning to the center using Flet?

Make sure you’re using the `text_alignment` attribute and setting it to `TextAlignment.CENTER` for your title widget. Also, ensure that the parent widget has a defined `width` to allow the title to center correctly.

I’m using a `Row` widget to display my title, but alignment is not working. What’s wrong?

When using a `Row` widget, you need to set the `mainAxisAlignment` attribute to `MainAxisAlignment.CENTER` to center the title horizontally. Additionally, make sure the `crossAxisAlignment` attribute is set to `CrossAxisAlignment.CENTER` to center the title vertically.

Can I use CSS to style my title and align it?

Yes, you can use CSS to style your title and align it. Flet allows you to define a `style` attribute for your title widget, where you can specify CSS styles, including `text-align`, `margin`, and `padding`. However, keep in mind that CSS styles may not work as expected in all environments, so it’s recommended to use the Flet-provided alignment attributes for consistency.

How do I align my title to the right using Flet?

To align your title to the right using Flet, simply set the `text_alignment` attribute to `TextAlignment.END`. This will right-align your title within its parent widget.

What if I’m using a custom widget to display my title, and alignment is not working?

When using a custom widget, you’ll need to ensure that the widget is properly handling the alignment attributes and styles. Check the widget’s documentation or implementation to see how alignment is handled. You may need to add custom logic or styling to achieve the desired alignment.