How to Refresh JWT using Apollo GraphQL in Remix (SSR)
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How to Refresh JWT using Apollo GraphQL in Remix (SSR)

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Ah, the joys of working with authentication in modern web applications! If you’re reading this, chances are you’re stuck on the pesky problem of refreshing JWT (JSON Web Tokens) using Apollo GraphQL in Remix, a powerful Server-Side Rendering (SSR) framework. Worry not, dear developer, for we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of token refreshing, demystifying the process, and providing you with a comprehensive guide to get you up and running in no time.

What’s the big deal with JWT refresh tokens?

In a nutshell, JWTs are a popular choice for authentication in web applications. They’re lightweight, secure, and easy to implement. However, their short lifespan (typically 15-30 minutes) requires a mechanism to refresh them, ensuring users remain authenticated without needing to re-login. This is where refresh tokens come into play.

A refresh token is a long-lived token (usually valid for several weeks or months) that can be used to obtain a new JWT when the existing one expires. This process is crucial in maintaining a seamless user experience, as it prevents users from being logged out unexpectedly.

Why Apollo GraphQL and Remix?

Apollo GraphQL is a powerful, open-source GraphQL client that provides a robust set of tools for building scalable, high-performance APIs. Remix, on the other hand, is a modern web framework that leverages Server-Side Rendering (SSR) to deliver fast, interactive, and SEO-friendly applications. When combined, Apollo GraphQL and Remix form a formidable duo, enabling developers to create robust, scalable, and performant applications with ease.

However, this powerful combination also introduces complexity, particularly when it comes to handling authentication and JWT refresh tokens. Fear not, dear reader, for we’ll guide you through the process of implementing JWT refresh tokens using Apollo GraphQL and Remix.


Before diving into the implementation details, ensure you have the following setup:

  • A Remix application with Apollo GraphQL integration (if you’re new to Remix, start with the official Remix tutorial)
  • A basic understanding of Apollo GraphQL and its client-side caching mechanisms
  • A functional authentication system with JWTs (we’ll build upon this existing setup)

Step 1: Configure Apollo Client

In your Remix application, create an instance of the Apollo Client, specifying the `fetch` function and `connectToDevTools` option:

import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache } from '@apollo/client';

const client = new ApolloClient({
  uri: '',
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),
  fetch: fetch,
  connectToDevTools: true,

This sets up the Apollo Client to communicate with your GraphQL API and enables caching and debugging tools.

Step 2: Implement JWT Refresh Token Logic

Create a new file, `jwt-refresh.js`, to handle JWT refresh token logic:

import { ApolloClient } from '@apollo/client';

  mutation RefreshToken($refreshToken: String!) {
    refreshToken(refreshToken: $refreshToken) {

const refreshToken = async (apolloClient: ApolloClient<any>) => {
  const refreshToken = getStoredRefreshToken(); // retrieve stored refresh token
  if (!refreshToken) return null;

  try {
    const result = await apolloClient.mutate({
      variables: { refreshToken },

    const { jwt, refreshToken: newRefreshToken } =;

    // update stored refresh token and jwt

    return jwt;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error refreshing token:', error);
    return null;

export default refreshToken;

This code defines a `refreshToken` function that takes the Apollo Client instance as an argument. It retrieves the stored refresh token, executes the `refreshToken` mutation, and updates the stored JWT and refresh token upon success. In case of an error, it logs the error and returns null.

Step 3: Integrate Refresh Token Logic with Apollo Client

Update the Apollo Client instance to include the `refreshToken` function:

import { ApolloClient } from '@apollo/client';
import refreshToken from './jwt-refresh';

const client = new ApolloClient({
  uri: '',
  cache: new InMemoryCache(),
  fetch: fetch,
  connectToDevTools: true,
  tokenRefresh: refreshToken,

This integrates the `refreshToken` function with the Apollo Client, enabling it to automatically refresh the JWT when it expires.

Step 4: Configure Remix to Handle JWT Refresh

In your Remix application, update the `loader` function to handle JWT refresh:

import { loader } from 'remix';
import { ApolloClient } from '@apollo/client';
import client from '../apollo-client';

export const loader = async ({ request }: { request: Request }) => {
  const jwt = getStoredJwt();
  if (!jwt) return null;

  try {
    const response = await client.query({
      query: gql`
        query GetUser {
          user {
      fetchPolicy: 'network-only',

    // if jwt is expired, refresh it
    if (response.errors) {
      const error = response.errors[0];
      if (error.extensions.code === 'EXPIRED_TOKEN') {
        const newJwt = await client.tokenRefresh();
        if (newJwt) {
          return loader({ request });

    return json(;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
    return null;

This code checks for the presence of a stored JWT and attempts to fetch data from the GraphQL API. If the JWT is expired, it triggers the `tokenRefresh` function, which refreshes the JWT and retries the loader function.

Step 5: Add Error Handling and Logging

In your Remix application, add error handling and logging mechanisms to catch and log any errors that occur during the JWT refresh process:

import { error } from 'remix';

export const error = async ({ error }: { error: Error }) => {
  console.error('Error:', error);
  return json({ error: 'An error occurred' }, 500);

This code logs any errors that occur during the JWT refresh process and returns a 500 error response to the client.


And there you have it! With these 5 steps, you’ve successfully implemented JWT refresh tokens using Apollo GraphQL and Remix. This setup ensures seamless authentication and provides a robust foundation for your application’s security.

By following this guide, you’ve learned how to:

  • Configure Apollo Client for JWT refresh token logic
  • Implement JWT refresh token logic using a mutate function
  • Integrate refresh token logic with Apollo Client
  • Configure Remix to handle JWT refresh
  • Add error handling and logging mechanisms

With this knowledge, you’re ready to tackle the challenges of authentication and JWT management in your own Remix applications. Happy coding!

Keyword Description
JWT JSON Web Token, a compact URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.
Apollo GraphQL A powerful, open-source GraphQL client that provides a robust set of tools for building scalable, high-performance APIs.
Remix A modern web framework that leverages Server-Side Rendering (SSR) to deliver fast, interactive, and SEO-friendly applications.
Refresh Token A long-lived token used to obtain a new JWT when the existing one expires, ensuring users remain authenticated without needing to re-login.

Note: The above article is optimized for the keyword “How to refresh JWT using Apollo GraphQL in Remix (SSR)” and is formatted using various HTML tags to enhance readability and SEO.Here is the QnA about refreshing JWT using Apollo GraphQL in Remix (SSR):

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck while refreshing JWT in your Remix app using Apollo GraphQL? Fear not, friend! We’ve got you covered.

How do I refresh my JWT token in Remix using Apollo GraphQL?

To refresh your JWT token in Remix using Apollo GraphQL, you can use the `refreshToken` method provided by Apollo Client. First, create a new instance of the `ApolloClient` and configure it with your GraphQL endpoint and authentication credentials. Then, use the `refreshToken` method to fetch a new JWT token. You can also use `apollo-link-token` library to handle token refresh automatically.

What is the difference between `refreshToken` and `reAuthenticate` in Apollo GraphQL?

`refreshToken` is used to fetch a new JWT token using the existing refresh token, whereas `reAuthenticate` is used to re-authenticate the user and obtain a new JWT token. `refreshToken` is useful when the JWT token has expired, while `reAuthenticate` is useful when the user’s credentials have changed.

How do I handle token refresh in a server-side rendered (SSR) Remix app?

In a server-side rendered (SSR) Remix app, you can handle token refresh by using the `getServerSideProps` function to refresh the token on each request. You can also use `apollo-client` middleware to refresh the token automatically.

What are some common token refresh strategies in Apollo GraphQL?

Some common token refresh strategies in Apollo GraphQL include using a token refresh interval, using a token blacklisting approach, and implementing a token-based authentication system with a centralized authentication server.

How do I debug JWT token refresh issues in my Remix app using Apollo GraphQL?

To debug JWT token refresh issues in your Remix app using Apollo GraphQL, you can use the Apollo Client DevTools to inspect the token refresh requests and responses. You can also use the Remix DevTools to inspect the HTTP requests and responses. Additionally, you can use console logging and debugging tools to inspect the token refresh logic.

I hope this helps!