Mastering Keycloak: How to Maintain redirect_uri through Registration
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Mastering Keycloak: How to Maintain redirect_uri through Registration

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky redirect_uri issues in Keycloak? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of confusing documentation and convoluted tutorials? Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to demystify the art of maintaining redirect_uri through registration in Keycloak.

What is redirect_uri, and why is it important?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s take a step back and understand what redirect_uri is and its significance in the realm of Keycloak.

redirect_uri: The OECD (OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0) parameter that specifies the URL to which the authorization server redirects the user-agent after an authorization code has been issued.

In simpler terms, redirect_uri is the URL that Keycloak redirects the user to after a successful authentication attempt. This parameter is crucial, as it ensures that the user is redirected to the correct application or service after authentication.

The Problem: Maintaining redirect_uri through Registration

Now that we’ve established the importance of redirect_uri, let’s discuss the issue at hand: maintaining it through registration in Keycloak. By default, Keycloak doesn’t persist the redirect_uri value during the registration process, leading to frustrating errors and misdirected users.

So, how do we overcome this hurdle?

Step 1: Configure the OAuth2 Provider

To maintain redirect_uri through registration, we need to configure the OAuth2 provider in Keycloak. Navigate to the Keycloak console, select the realm, and click on “Clients” in the sidebar.

Realm > Clients > [Your Client ID] > Settings > OAuth2 > Redirect URI

In the “Redirect URI” section, add the desired redirect URI value. For example:

Step 2: Enable “Store Redirect URI” in the OAuth2 Provider Settings

To persist the redirect_uri value, we need to enable the “Store Redirect URI” option in the OAuth2 provider settings.

Realm > Clients > [Your Client ID] > Settings > OAuth2 > Advanced Settings > Store Redirect URI

Toggle the switch to “On” to enable this feature.

Step 3: Configure the Registration Form

Next, we need to modify the registration form to include the redirect_uri parameter. In the Keycloak console, navigate to:

Realm > Login > Registration > Form > Registration Form

Click on the “AddField” button and select “Hidden” as the field type. Name the field “redirect_uri” and set its value to the desired redirect URI.

<input type="hidden" name="redirect_uri" value="">

Step 4: Update the Registration Action

To persist the redirect_uri value during registration, we need to update the registration action in Keycloak. Navigate to:

Realm > Login > Registration > Actions > Register

In the “Actions” section, click on the “Execution” tab and add the following script:

println "Storing redirect_uri..."
context.session.redirectUri = user.getAttribute("redirect_uri")
println "Redirect URI stored: " + context.session.redirectUri

This script stores the redirect_uri value in the user’s session.

Step 5: Test and Verify

The final step is to test and verify that the redirect_uri value is being maintained through registration. Create a new user, fill out the registration form, and submit it. After successful registration, Keycloak should redirect the user to the specified redirect URI.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with these steps, you might encounter some common issues. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Issue 1: Redirect URI not being stored

If the redirect URI is not being stored, check that the “Store Redirect URI” option is enabled in the OAuth2 provider settings.

Issue 2: Incorrect Redirect URI value

If the redirect URI value is incorrect, verify that the value is set correctly in the registration form and OAuth2 provider settings.

Issue 3: Redirect URI not persisted during registration

If the redirect URI is not being persisted during registration, ensure that the registration action script is correct and that the redirect URI value is being stored in the user’s session.


Maintaining redirect_uri through registration in Keycloak might seem like a daunting task, but with these steps, you’ll be well on your way to ensuring a seamless user experience. Remember to configure the OAuth2 provider, enable “Store Redirect URI”, modify the registration form, update the registration action, and test and verify the setup. Happy coding!

Step Description
1 Configure the OAuth2 provider
2 Enable “Store Redirect URI” in the OAuth2 provider settings
3 Modify the registration form to include the redirect_uri parameter
4 Update the registration action to store the redirect_uri value
5 Test and verify the setup

By following these steps and troubleshooting common issues, you’ll be able to maintain redirect_uri through registration in Keycloak with ease.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to share your experiences and questions in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Getting stuck with redirect_uri maintenance through registration in Keycloak? Worry not! Here are some answers to get you back on track.

What can I do to maintain redirect_uri through registration in Keycloak?

When registering a client in Keycloak, it’s essential to specify the redirect URI. To maintain it, ensure that the redirect URI is correctly configured in the Keycloak console. You can do this by going to the Clients section, selecting the client, and updating the Valid Redirect URIs field. Don’t forget to save your changes!

Why is maintaining redirect_uri crucial in Keycloak?

Maintaining the redirect URI is vital because it ensures that Keycloak redirects the user to the correct location after a successful authentication or authorization flow. If the redirect URI is not correctly configured, users might encounter errors or be directed to an incorrect page, leading to a poor user experience.

Can I update the redirect_uri in Keycloak after client registration?

Yes, you can update the redirect URI in Keycloak after client registration. Simply navigate to the Clients section, select the client, and update the Valid Redirect URIs field. Keycloak will allow you to add, remove, or modify the redirect URIs as needed.

What happens if I don’t specify a redirect_uri in Keycloak?

If you don’t specify a redirect URI in Keycloak, the authentication or authorization flow will fail, and the user will not be redirected to the correct location. In some cases, Keycloak might use a default redirect URI, but this is not recommended as it can lead to unexpected behavior. Always specify a valid redirect URI to ensure a smooth user experience.

How can I test the redirect_uri in Keycloak?

To test the redirect URI in Keycloak, you can use the built-in functionality in the Keycloak console. Go to the Clients section, select the client, and click on the “Test” button next to the Valid Redirect URIs field. This will simulate an authentication flow and redirect you to the specified URI. If the redirect URI is correct, you should be redirected to the expected location.

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